*       NYoosletter    *
\*---------------------*/<*Yaroze Stuff*>
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Worst newsletter in the history of mankind. Featuring all the news that's fit to print (and quite a bit that isn't).

Yup, it's still going. Third week running, and thanks to a hellishly difficult unsubscribe process, it has an almost respectable readership.

Anyone signed up last week might have been lucky enough to receive a bonus copy of NYoosletter. I've packed it in with egroups now, so there shouldn't be a repeat of that. The new system rellies on a combination of brute force and ignorance (ie. typing up each persons' copy of NYoosletter individually and clicking 'send' lots of times).

Bit of a problem with the NYoosletter archive on egroups following last weeks post. All the indents got chewed up rather badly making it totally unreadable (more so). The archive is now living on my SCEE web space for the time being. You can view it in all its' glory at: - it should be updated with the new posts by each following Monday.

The signing up and unsubsribe process is still the same as before. Just use the form at to sign up, or mail with whatever subject line appears in the small print to unsub.

Just try and clarify a couple of things: I have an annoying habit of registering poncy and pretentious free e-mail addresses. If you see any of them here, then just bear in mind that it's legitimate and not a spam block. For more info, contact me at: (*preferred) (goes to the same place) (my personal favourite) (second favourite) (actually: that one IS a spam block..)

All the URLs are legit as well. They do have a function other than being pathetic attempts at humour, but if I told you what it was, it would sort of defeat the object.

* Description: Simple newsletter thing  v00.00_01a                        *
* Credits: Thanks to Richard Cutting for kindly reminding me that I       *
* forgot to include 'Better than Sex' in any of the previous NYoosletters *
* - I chucked his comments in the 'NY-Now' section. And James Shaughnessy *
* for tipping me off about his 3D Pool game. And of course, all the sites *
* I'm ripping ideas off, and all you lovely people who signed up.         *
**Fill In The Blanks**

Mr Frosty in Home Page Boycott Shocker:
As part of a powerful Warholian tribute, James Rutherford has taken down his home pages to protest over the the poor response to Mark O'Shea's recent mini-competition:
Hopefully, his site should be back up soon, with a finished version of the Controller Libs.
If there's anyone who didn't vote in the mini-comp who wants to try and make amends for their insensitivity, then you can try sending your new demos to Nick Fergusons' Members Demo Hub (, or try submitting some times for the Grav Championship (

If you haven't already done so, then try sending your personal profiles in to DEnnis. View more than fifty other Yaroze member profiles at:
You can drop in at the front door (and bump up his visit counter) at:
- but navigation is a bit of a nightmare. If you're looking to team up with someone, then the Profile List is the best place to start.
Nick Slavens uploaded a Fixed Point Trig Lib. Just plug his libs onto your programs to get super-fast trig functions. Download Come Baa while your at it (originality by the shovel load, and definitely in with a shout at GDUK this year) - the ideal game for the sheep worriers amongst you.

George Bain turns 25. In an exclusive interview, Mr Bain ealier commented: "NYoosletter? What the fuck's that?? Fucking butt-munch!". Big thanks to George for practically giving us official sanction to include sweary bits on our home pages. Happy birthday BTW.

George Bain's posted up a 3D Glossary:
or: (to skip past the annoying frames navigation).
Actually, I'm not sure whether it is new or whether it's been there all the time and I only just noticed it. It's not exactly what people were discussing, but it's better than nothing.

Richard Cuttings' 'Better than Sex' (title - not a statement) has been revised and is available for download. Still a work in progress, but it's shaping up to be a madly addictive arcade blaster puzzly doohickey that's guaranteed not to crash your Yaroze:
sponsored by Durex...."Condoms: you won't fuckin' need em if you buy a Net Yaroze so download this geezers dodgy games and see what a waste of time it all is....."

Finally got a decent bit of inside information. James Shaughnessy's 3D Nine Ball Pool game will feature a soundtrack by James Rutherford. Rumour has it that it's destined to be another Yaroze classic. Could do with a punchier title though. Anyone know how much an Alex 'Hurricane' Higgins license goes for these days?

Gah! Fresh burst of enthusiasm from SCEE. Haven't a clue whether they're making more tutorials and utilities or whether they're just updating the news page regularly:
- converts WAV, RAW and VAG files and adjusts sample data to change loop points.
- sound demo that lets you mute channels
- more info on some of the Playstation peripherals in the Yaroze tutorials.


Poxy groups were down for a couple of days. Finally got some news about GDUK (thanks mostly to Nick F's constant badgering). The finalists in the 'Best Net Yaroze Game' category are:

Chris Chadwick		Blitter Boy: Operation Monster Mall
Nick Slaven		Come Baa
Robert Swan		Adventure Game
The award ceremony will be on November 5th where the winner picks up a cheap trophy (probably) and a cheque for a grand. Big Rory and the Tartan Amoebas will be heading up the evenings' entertainment.

More news: The Dundee piss-up went ahead yesterday. Sources say there was a pretty good turnout, and some of them got utterly annihilated. Turns out they were drinking 'aftershocks' - so called because they don't effect you till the next day. In an exclusive interview, one of the attendees said: "I feel like crap".

//Bits 'n Bytes\\
**Stuff that was hot about 6 months ago..**

Core Design have said that the Tomb Raider series won't be appearing on the Dreamcast. Guy writing NYoosletter is stuck for a headline.

Dreamcast dating sim 'Patapies' announced by Sega Japan. Sega still making rash assumptions about their target audience.

Bioware has announced that it's begun developing MDK2 for the Dreamcast. Publisher Interplay say that a PC version will follow.

There's a new revised version of the Playstation out in the states. It includes a slightly smaller main board and a tamper-proof case. It's identical to the SCPH700 in most respects except it's a little more difficult to chip.

There's a new gizmo shipped over from Asia that can replace PSX modchips. From the sounds of it, it just plugs in to one of the ports on the machine and it will break the territorial lock-out. It's rumoured to work on all PSX models (PAL and NTSC) from SCPH-1000 - SCPH-7000 (no news about the new SCPH-7500).

Even more stuff I've directly ripped off from FGN (without even crediting them for it):
In a recent interview with Jonric of The Vault Network, Peter Molyneux gave the following words of advice to any aspiring games designers: "I would say to them that they should keep their basic design as simple as possible and give a lot of thought as to how the game design could be implemented. It is important to play your game as much as possible at all stages of development. That way you will know quite early on if your idea has the potential to become a really great game."
Just as an unrelated aside: to date, few journos are prepared to quote Jeff Minter on anything other than him being 'really fucking high' when he was working on 'Megagalactic Llamas Battle at the Edge of Time'.

Infogames announce The Smurfs' Nightmare for the Color Gameboy. Looking forward to all these ponces who are forced to dress up as smurfs at trade shows.

One of my old favourites. Thanks to Brian Baird for digging it up again:

Loads of jobs going at Interactive Magic. Bit of a commute for most SCEE members though:

Origin are looking for a load of people to join the Maverick Team (Wing Commander series). All PC/DirectX stuff and it's all located over in the states:
or mail for more info.

Crystal Dynamics are hiring as well:

Jobs at Interplay - ranging from 3D artists to play testers. Over in California if any of you fancy the trip:

Lucas Arts art at it to:

//Bytes 'n Words\\
**This 'n That**

Thanks to everyone who's contributed and offered encouragement. Thanks also to everyone who's managed to sign themselves up and tolerate my babbling for the last couple of weeks. I'm borrowing (ie. stealing) a bit of server space to set up a proper home-made mailing list (featuring my own rather glitchy mailer software). I'm hoping to keep this newsletter as a permanent thing, but I'm total shite when it comes to writing (as you might have noticed). If anyone's got any ideas on new stuff to add (or take out), or is prepared to send in their own little articles, then get in touch. Just that it sounds so much better saying 'we' (collective 'we' representing the whole Yaroze community), rather than 'I' (just some self-ordained authority who knows stuff-all about anything). If anyone fancies lending a hand (no obligations, and on a purely arbitrary basis), then e-mail me at

// More blurb
// ^^^^ ^^^^^
// This thing is probably best viewed with a package that uses true-type
// fonts and wraps at about 80 chars. Gonna look shite however you view it
// though..

// The Small Print
// ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^
'NYoosletter' is a newsletter that's sort of dedicated to Yaroze info. Send your contributions, suggestions, renaissance Spanish church music etc. to: View the archive at:

To subscribe, e-mail with subject 'You are tenacious and I am very scary..', or just use the form at:

To unsubscribe, e-mail with the subject 'Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' badgers!'.

Registered at the Post Office as 'Another Bloody NTK Clone' etc. etc.