*       Newsletter     *
\*---------------------*/<*Yaroze Stuff*>
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        Some prat drivelling on about Yaroze related nonsense.

Greetings everyone who made it. This is the first of a (hopefully) regular weekly digest or Yaroze crud. Designed to be a low-volume, low-cost, low-quality, low-down of stuff that may or may not have anything to do with Yaroze coding activities. I sort of rushed this thing together, so It'll probably be a bunch of stuff you already know. Mostly stuff about people who've re-registered their pages or made a load of ng postings in the last week. A couple of game-related snippets (hardly scoops) have been included as well. Thanks to all the people who signed themselves up (both of them).

* Description: Simple newsletter thing  v0.0.01a                          *
*                                                                         *
* Credits: Heavily ripping off Rob Swans' source code.. whoops - wrong    *
* one. Thanks to NTK ( for blatantly ripping off my idea.   *
* That's about it at the moment, unless any of you sods want to try and   *
* chuck your ideas in. Drop me a line at              *
*                                                                         *
* The line breaks will probably be all over the place on some e-mail      *
* packages, but it comes out bug-ugly whatever you view it in. Sorry.     *
*                                                                         *

**Fill In The Blanks**

Nick Ferguson's Members Demo Hub is now up and running. ( Send details of any new demos to Nick (using the supplied form), else we send 'the gang' round to fatten your lips!

ScoTT Campbell has an uncharacteristic burst of enthusiasm as he announces 'Game 1'. Project info and screen grabs are at his site ( Release is pencilled in for the end of October. Billed as being a boring version of Bomberman.

Dundee Yarozers in piss-up shock. Scheduled to be in the Hogshead either Tuesday or Thursday. Hardly worth telling you though; those sods are at it all the bloody time...

Only a couple of weeks left to the provisional deadline of the Gravitation Championship ( Entry is free (and is enough to get you on the leaderboard at the moment). James Shaughnessys' been kind enough to create a CodeWarrior batch loader for the demo recorder. There's still a couple of bugs with it though. Any CW experts fancy lending a hand?

James Shaugnessy ( has put up a new SIN/COS look-up-table builder thing; could have something to do with the fact that he's currently working on a 3D Pool game. Many such utilities already available, but this one's from the same guy who brought us BgEdit.

Mark O'Shea has set up a freebies section. Some handy looking RSDs that ought to be useful as disposable baddies if 3D space shoot-em-ups are your thing (

Rob Swan - SCEE resident (till recently) shit-hot coder is looking to collaborate ( Proposed projects include 'Adventure Game 2', 'Race Game 3', and the all-new 'First-Person Game 1'.

It's official: Satan owns a Yaroze. ( Nice 2 c he knows how to take the caps-lock off...

'Newsletter' gets its' first airing. Billed as being 'slightly more fun than electro-genital torture'. Profuse apologies to anyone who was expecting something interesting and informative. Oh well..


James Russell announced a new demo competition a couple of weeks back, open to all Yaroze owners in PAL and NTSC territories. Can't be bothered to repeat all the blurb, but it's basically going to be a monthly competition where prizes are given for the coolest visual effect (using the official Sony libs - no ARs). Some other stuff happened as well. I really wish I had something interesting to put here.

//Bits 'n Bytes\\
**Stuff that was hot about 6 months ago..**

More rumours that Capcom are looking to release top titles exclusively on the Dreamcast. Game-Online (totally unbiased as usual) claim that this is the case, and that the Biohazard and Resident Evil series' will only be released on the Dreamcast in future:
The 'official line' is that they will be released on both systems:

Sony make a fresh contribution to the PC tamagotchi market. Download this thing and watch the furry little critters starve to death:

Namco announces a new analogue pad/steering wheel thing (

Screen-Grab of the week award goes to Game Fan for their 'Rival Schools' pic (

'Sony Declares War on Organised Religion', 'Acclaim Wins Garfield Licence', 'Project X Designed For Major Head-Fuck Release of Tempest' according to the National Games Review (

Dreamcast flagship release is likely to be 'Sonic's Magical Voyage into Necrobestial Butt Sex' according to Dreamcast project leader, Kudzu Hiroshima (

'Station' - new PS Magazine edited by a certain Mr Dave Perry is out today. The cover disc includes a 'World Exclusive' preview of ISS Pro 98 - obviously a different ISS Pro 98 to the one on the cover of this months OPSM. Dave Perry can be contacted at - just as long as you _don't_ mention that embarassing Games Master incident (

The BBFC have put Carmageddon II up before a panel of psychologists to check for any adverse psychological impact the game might have. The most insidious element of the game is probably the fact that it requires a ridiculous hardware spec to run it properly. Wonder if the censors will pick up on that? - anti-commercial merchandising.

Try visiting the 'Prima Creative Services UK' web site. Has a rather interesting domain name (hint: they use Macs).

Geocities take down The Filthy Truth. Apparently, they went a bit too far with pictures of Dave Perrys' (the other one - Shiny Entertainment) car getting 'Teabagged' by a bunch of disgruntled employees. Alright.. I know this happened about three weeks back, but I'm running out of stuff to say.

// The Small Print
// ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^
'Newsletter' is a newsletter that's sort of dedicated to Yaroze info. Send your contributions, suggestions, sisters' phone numbers etc. to: View the archive at

To subscribe, e-mail with subject 'Subscribe me now you boring, unfunny piss-ant', or just use the form at

To unsubscribe, e-mail with the subject 'I'm gonna rip your fucking face off spam-shite'.

Registered at the Post Office as 'Another Bloody NTK Clone'.

No haddock were harmed in the making etc etc.