QUICK MENU: / Diary... / Q.and A. / Current Projects / Tutorials /Links / FTP area /
Usually I update the website on a Sunday so I'm a day late, sorry about that. Right, I couldn't get any screenshots of my helicopter game because the code didn't seem to work, never mind. Anyway, just in case anyone was wondering how my game was coming along I've stuck a rough version in my ftp area for you to look at. It doesn't really do anything but there's a nice tracer bullets effect that I'm quite proud of. Oh yeah, I havn't done the collision detection yet so don't make the helicopter go below the land or trees when you're firing or it'll crash. Cheers.
I remember it like it was yesterday, the day when there was a knock at the door and on the doorstep stood a tired looking fellow clutching a brown cardboard box. It was the moment I had been waiting for and, as expected, I was thoroughly impressed as I unwrapped my brand new Net Yaroze. For weeks beforehand, I had envisioned myself creating my very own Playstation games; games that stretched the limits of the everyday beat-em-up or platformer. My head was full of ideas just waiting to be transformed into pixels.
Two hours later and with a cup of tea in one hand and the Net Yaroze User Guide in the other I suddenly felt slightly less confident. As I slowly slipped into reality I realised that maybe this was going to be a little harder than I had first thought.....
If you need any inspiration due to lack of success on the Net Yaroze then read the recent updates of someone who probably knows less than you. At regular intervals I intend to update this section on the current projects I'm working on and the problems I am encountering. I hope that anyone reading this section may see the error of my ways and possibly provide me with any relevant information on the problem subjects.
I'm sure everybody has a number of questions that they need answering when it comes to Net Yaroze development. For my benefit, this section should just be called 'Questions...' but the idea is that over time other Net Yaroze members will contact me and possibly provide me with the '...Answers' part. I intend to provide some of the answers to the simple questions that aren't covered in any of the 'basic' tutorials.
I sniggered to myself as I created this section of the website. One day I intend to actually create something on the Net Yaroze and when I do it will be documented on this page. If there are any current projects in this section then feel free to peruse my notes on what's going wrong and if you have the knowledge, then I'd be glad if you could set me straight.
Having only been a Yaroze member for the last couple of month's I'm still pretty much a novice. However, in this short amount of time I have perused most Yaroze websites in the search of quality tutorials. Granted, there are some good tutorials out there which are really helpful but I still feel that they should be made more accessible to the Yaroze novice. Take a look at this page to find links to the best tutorials out there aswell as my very own 'written for beginners...' tutorials section. Expand your mind and enjoy.
At first I was never really bothered with having a links section, I don't really see the point in them unless they're going to be of some use to someone. However, after looking through a few members websites I began to see a market for a quality links page. There are already some out there which provide valuable links to helpful sites. This is what I hope my links page can accomplish. Whether you're looking for general utilities, Yaroze utilities, games examples or diary sections, take a look, you might just find what you're looking for.
It is my new mission in life to produce something that someone would actually want a copy of. For now though, my FTP area will just have to be used for downloading my bundled bits of code to people who can hopefully fix them.
I hope this website can be of help to you, that's the purpose behind the whole project. If you feel that this site provides help to other Yaroze members feel free to add a link from your site to this one. If you need to get in touch with me for any reason at all, you can e-mail me at scott.ward6@virgin.net. Happy coding.