Reviews (M-S)

SCEI madoka.lzh NTSC ??? (???)

SCEI NTSC ??? (???)

SCEE PAL Manic X (Alex Amsel)
A very cute and playable Pacman clone with a host of extra powerups, ranging from glue to homing missiles and mines.
There are 14 Levels to the game with many different graphics themes and animated backgrounds. The game has exactly the right feel for Pacman (the ghosts seem of about the right intelligence) and the variety of bonuses keep the player keen.
A few very minor points to make. The blue ghost can look a little bit similar to an eatable ghost. Also, I think I'd prefer it if the ghost score-tally did not reset when you ate two power-pills in a row. The sound is a bit quiet and Manic X misses out because of a lack of front end - restarting the game has to be done via the siocons link.
Can anyone work out what the screen shudder button (L2) is for?
Takes a while to load.
(JTR - Reviewed 4th February 1998)

SCEE ? Mechfighters (Yep Luen Yuen)

SCEI nanatan.lzh NTSC Nana Tan (KRD)

SCEE ? NY Roller Coaster (Lars Barstad)

SCEI NTSC Othello (???)
Source is included - Easily converted to PAL.

SCEE ? Pandora's Box (Christoph Lurig and Torsten Ventzke)
Requires PSCommUtil.

SCEA NTSC Parallax Scrolling (Eric O'Laughlen)

SCEI pok_fix.lzh NTSC ??? (???)

SCEA NTSC Pokris (Ryu)
5 tunes.

SCEI prot200.lzh NTSC ??? (???)

SCEI pst035.lzh NTSC Playstation Transfer Library (S.Kitaguchi)

SCEE PAL Psycho (James Shaughnessy)

SCEE ? Psychon (Ben James)

SCEE ? Spectrum Emulator (Andrew Langstaff)

SCEE NTSC Pune (Graeme Evans)

SCEI NTSC R3 (Hideo Tomizu)

SCEE PAL Race (Robert Swan)
Work submitted for Middlesex University's 3D games course.
Includes source code.


SCEE ? Racer (Peter Dollochan)

SCEI rakugaki.lzh NTSC ??? (???)
An interesting experimental game preview.
The action is set in a scribbled cartoon world, the premise of which is set up with a lot of kanji text and looks as though it could be quite amusing. The game looks both messy and sylish and I think it works - but you might disagree.
Currently only a one level demo but still worth looking up.
(It's helpful to know that the R1 shoulder button carries out actions).
Takes quite a long time to upload.
(JTR - Reviewed 18th January 1998)

SCEI rog03.lzh NTSC Rogue PS (K.Hayashida)

SCEE NTSC ??? (Roland Boettcher)
Source is included. Easily converted to PAL.

SCEE scrolly.exe ? Scrolly (Steve Dunn)

SCEI senpon.lzh NTSC ??? (D-Inc)
Two-player only 2d tank game.

SCEA NTSC Star Fighters (George Bain)

SCEE ? ??? (Barry Swan)

SCEA NTSC Shoot Me Now (Dan Hauck)

SCEI smeg101.lzh NTSC ??? (???)

SCEA NTSC Snake Demo Executable (Ed Federmeyer)

SCEA NTSC Snake Demo (Ed Federmeyer)
Source code of snaked_g - easily converted to PAL.

SCEE NTSC Spacies (John Ward)
Source is included - Easily converted to PAL.

SCEE PAL Stereoscope (Pete Passmore)

SCEE BOTH Stonegate (Javier Ventoso and Carlos Gornemann)

SCEA NTSC Switch 'Em (Ed Federmeyer)
A fast paced puzzle game based on a 5 by 5 grid of lights which may each be switched on or off. Your cursor can be moved around this grid and pressing a button will flip the state of the light at your current position and the four around it (as in the style of 'life' simulations). The object is to extinguish all of the lights on a level.
When you first try this game, you'll think that you're flipping the lights pretty much randomly - and at first, you probably will be. But after a little perseverance, you'll start to recognise a few patterns which you know can be extinguished by certain actions and this will bring a new dimension to the game. If you get stuck, you can re-seed the puzzle (but the time limit is not reset), and after level five, you may find yourself doing this a lot.
There are 30 levels, backed with two rather fitting classical musical scores. You are given the level number * 10 seconds at the start of each grid, and this turns out to produce a pretty good learning curve. The grids constantly rotate, which initially seems to hamper the control method, but is fairly easy to adapt to after a while.
All in all, a well engineered puzzle which would benefit from a pause mode and some sort of 2-player split-screen competition. Additionally, levels 2 and 4 usually solve themselves if you repeatedly re-seed the grid and I'm sure this is a bug that could easily be ironed out of the game.
(JTR - Reviewed 18th January 1998)