- Manual Additions: Peripherals -

* Analog Joysticks
(Information taken from the official SCEA web site)

Physically, the Analog Joystick consist of two standard joysticks, linked by a control panel with standard switches. The joystick can act in either digital or analogue mode.
Make sure you include a Calibration menu (0 position calibration, idle movement, sensitivity etc.) in your application.

Analog Joystick Button Assignment

The 8 byte Controller packet (giving the status of the Controller) which can be returned at every vsync call back consists of the following for the Analog Joystick.

Byte No Type Bit No./Value Button Assignment
1 Buffer Status 8 bits 0x00: success;
0xff: failure
2 Data length
Controller type
bits 0 - 3
bits 4 - 7
(8 bits total)
data length/2 (= 0x03)
Controller type (0x05)
(Analog Joystick is 5)
3, 4 Status of 14 digital buttons 16 bits 0x00: push ;
0x01 : release
(as per standard Controller - however L1/L2/R1/R2 are not present on stick)
5 - 8 Analogue value (4 values) 4 x 8 bits range 0x00 - 0xff.
(x, y) , (x, y)