Motion Capture

These programs and data files are all provided with the kind permission of Probe Motion Capture Studios.  Please visit their Web Site.

What's this all about then?

Well we all know what motion capture is about.  Nice character animation in Tekken 2, etc...
But if you don't have to resources its very hard and time consuming for the amateur developer to get nice 3d animation without the right tools.

Well I spoke to a nice chap at Probe's Motion Capture Studios via email and he has given us kind permission to use some of their demonstration data for our personal Yaroze projects.  All of these files are unsupported by Probe so please, please don't bother them for details, etc.  I'll post as much information about the file formats as I can determine in the next few weeks.

What's on offer

Various motion captures of a bloke walking, diving, rolling, and even kicking someone's head in.  Magic!  Just what everyone needs.

The data files are acsii text files so it should be quite straight forward converting them into something you can use.


You will need these self extracting archives.
Extract all of these files into the same directory.
Only boneshow.exe is a program. Works under W95 and NT4.
Pc program to animate mesh. boneshow.exe boneshow.exe
bones for object skeleton.exe skeleton.exe
wavefront object mesh  mesh.exe mesh.exe
motion data  nondelta.exe nondelta.exe
motion data as above but stored as deltas delta.exe delta.exe

All will be updated fairly soon, so stay tuned.  And keep checking Probes Pages.

I would love to hear of your experience with all this.

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